Huntsville Area Mothers of Multiples By-Laws
(Revised July 2009)
(Revised June 2016)
(Revised September 2017)
(Revised April 2022)
Name of the club is HUNTSVILLE AREA MOTHERS OF MULTIPLES, abbreviated as HAMOM (effective 1999) and formerly known as the Huntsville Area Mothers of Twins Club, HMOTC. Founded in 1970.
HAMOM shall be a member of MULTIPLES OF AMERICA, formally known as the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club (NOMOTC).
The purpose of HAMOM is to promote general fellowship among its mothers of twins, triplets, and higher order births. HAMOM will provide a source of advice and support for families of multiple birth children. This organization will further serve as a source of information about multiple children and related areas. HAMOM will work to promote educational and social activities for the membership. HAMOM will also work to increase awareness of the individuality of each multiple.
HAMOM is a non-profit, non-commercial, non-partisan, non-racial, and non-sectarian organization.
Rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are consistent with the by-laws or the special rules of order of this organization.
The by-laws may be amended by a three-fourths (¾) vote of all qualified members present. At least a two (2) week notice shall be given in advance of the vote.
Three (3) officers should be in attendance, one (1) of which shall be the President or Vice-President, and thirty percent (30%) of the membership of this organization shall constitute a quorum of this organization.
Any outgoing president who is opting not to submit their name for consideration as a nominee for a Board position for the upcoming year will serve as an advisor to the Board of Directors for one (1) year.
(Revised July 2009)
(Revised June 2016)
(Revised September 2017)
(Revised April 2022)
Name of the club is HUNTSVILLE AREA MOTHERS OF MULTIPLES, abbreviated as HAMOM (effective 1999) and formerly known as the Huntsville Area Mothers of Twins Club, HMOTC. Founded in 1970.
HAMOM shall be a member of MULTIPLES OF AMERICA, formally known as the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club (NOMOTC).
The purpose of HAMOM is to promote general fellowship among its mothers of twins, triplets, and higher order births. HAMOM will provide a source of advice and support for families of multiple birth children. This organization will further serve as a source of information about multiple children and related areas. HAMOM will work to promote educational and social activities for the membership. HAMOM will also work to increase awareness of the individuality of each multiple.
HAMOM is a non-profit, non-commercial, non-partisan, non-racial, and non-sectarian organization.
Rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are consistent with the by-laws or the special rules of order of this organization.
The by-laws may be amended by a three-fourths (¾) vote of all qualified members present. At least a two (2) week notice shall be given in advance of the vote.
- The membership will consist of women who are mothers, guardians, stepmothers, or expectant mothers of twins, triplets, and higher order multiples.
- Members must demonstrate a willingness to accept the policies and objectives of HAMOM.
- Members must pay dues timely pers schedule after joining HAMOM.
- Prospective (or potential) members may visit up to three monthly meetings, receive three complimentary newsletters, and receive access to the private HAMOM Facebook page within their 90 day potential status.
- Prospective (potential) members will not receive access to other HAMOM events (including but not limited to: MOMsMart member shopping, pumpkin patch event, Cookies with Santa event) within their 90 day potential status. Potential members may pay dues at any time to receive access to all HAMOM events.
- Members in arrears of dues shall relinquish all privileges of membership.
- As stated by National guidelines, HAMOM fiscal year will be August 1st to July 31st. Dues are as follows:
- Membership dues are $30 per year and run from August 1st to July 31st of the following year.
- Renewal deadline is August 31st.
- Previous members in good standing that renew their membership after the renewal deadline will be subject to a late fee of $5.
- FIRST TIME MEMBERS shall be assessed dues by the following schedule, based on the month their membership is granted:
- August - April $30.00
- May - July $15.00
- Dues are non-refundable except in the case of the loss of one (1) or more children at the mother’s request.
- Any paid members of five (5) consecutive years will receive a discounted rate of $25 for membership after their membership anniversary. This will be documented in the database.
- Any paid members of ten (10) consecutive years will receive a discounted rate of $20 for membership after their membership anniversary. This will be documented in the database.
- Any paid members of fifteen (15) or more consecutive years will receive a “Lifetime” membership after their membership anniversary. This will be documented in the database.
- Dues to Multiples of America shall be paid by the Treasurer by September 30th.
- If HAMOM’s gross receipts exceed $25,000 annually, filing IRS Form 990 by December 15th is required. If HAMOM’s gross receipts do not exceed $25,000 annually, a financial statement with a letter from HAMOM’s Treasurer and President is sent to Multiples of America by March 31st of the following year, authorizing Multiples of America to include our chapter in their filing of IRS Form 990.
- All club disbursements shall be paid by check or checking account debit card.
- Disbursements other than normal budgeted amounts over $50 shall require prior approval of both the President and the Treasurer.
- At least one (1) Board member without check-signing privileges must approve monthly treasurer reports.
- Meetings will be held on the THIRD TUESDAY of each month, with social time beginning at 6:30 and the meeting beginning at 7:00 pm. However, due to conflicts, holidays, and/or school calendars, the board can change the meeting date.
- Members shall not bring children to meetings or club functions unless otherwise specified. Exceptions may be made for members who are breastfeeding.
- Regular meetings shall be conducted as follows:
- Sign-in
- Call to Order
- Club Business
- Reading minutes from the last meeting (may be substituted by providing members the minutes in written form and members’ agreement to not read the minutes out loud).
- Program Presentation
- Adjournment
- All officers (Board of Directors) will attend board meetings. All other board members (Committee Chairs) are encouraged to attend.
- The majority (⅔) vote of the Board of Directors and/or the majority of the board present at the quarterly board meeting or via email votes will determine all decisions, with a two (2) day grace period for responses on all email votes. If a board member is unable to attend, she may send her vote by proxy based on the agenda.
- Quarterly Board meetings will be held June, September, December, and March. Alterations to this schedule may be made by majority board approval and membership notified.
Three (3) officers should be in attendance, one (1) of which shall be the President or Vice-President, and thirty percent (30%) of the membership of this organization shall constitute a quorum of this organization.
- A minimum of five (5) accepted nominations or volunteers to the nominating committee shall be made at the January monthly meeting.
- At least one (1) person from the previous outgoing nominating committee shall be included in the new committee.
- The chair for this committee shall be elected by the committee when it is formed.
- No member shall serve more than two (2) consecutive years on the nominating committee.
- Any member of the nominating committee whose name is put forth and accepted as a candidate for election may not serve on the nominating committee.
- Any information needed by the nominating committee as it pertains to potentially qualified members may be obtained from the appropriate Board member.
- All nominees should be contacted to verify that they will serve if elected prior to the slate being presented to the club.
- A single slate of nominations is acceptable. Nominations from the floor are also acceptable. Ballot templates will be provided to the Nominating Committee by the Secretary.
- Only members who have paid their dues by the time the election process begins (January 1st) shall be allowed to vote or hold office.
- The committee shall present a slate of nominations to the membership no later than the March meeting.
- If no one elects to be on the Nominating Committee, nominations may be requested via email or club newsletter in lieu of the Nominating Committee.
- Elections will be held by secret ballot no later than the April meeting.
- The chair and two (2) members of the Nominating Committee or three (3) tellers appointed by the President shall count the votes.
- A candidate is elected by receiving a majority of votes cast.
- In the event of a tie vote, a second vote is taken and the winner is selected based on plurality. If a second vote also results in a tie, the winner is selected by lot.
- The Board will consist of President, Vice-President, 2nd Vice-President (as needed), Secretary, Treasurer, Membership, Publications, National Representative, Outreach, Hospitality, and Historian.
- To qualify for the office of President, a member must have served and fulfilled their duties in another elected office.
- To qualify for the office of Vice-President, a member must have served on the MOMsMart committee and worked the following shifts at least once in the last five (5) years: setup, public shopping hours, half-price shopping hours, and teardown.
- To qualify for the office of Treasurer, a member must have served and fulfilled their duties in another elected office and have served on the MOMsMart committee and worked the following work shifts at least once in the last five (5) years: setup, public shopping hours, half-price shopping hours, and teardown.
- A second (2nd) Vice-President chair can be elected by the club as needed or can be elected by the formation of a “sister membership” of a surrounding area.
- Those elected to office must have served and fulfilled their duties on a committee and/or served and fulfilled their duties as members of a MOMsMart committee for one (1) or more years.
- The First Vice-President will assume the office of President if vacated. The First Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer offices, if vacated, wil be appointed by the current year Board of Directors. All other vacated positions may be left vacant for the remainder of the fiscal year as determined by the Board of Directors.
- As duties of the Board of Directors become more electronic based, there is becoming less need for manual record keeping. The Board of Directors may suggest to the Nominating Committee Chair that any of the following positions be combined to be filled by a one (1) person slot: Secretary, Publications, National Representative, Outreach, Hospitality, and Historian.
- With the use of electronic medium for file storage, each Board of Directors position is required to maintain its own records. Therefore, use of the name “Librarian” will be dropped from the Board position “Librarian/Historian” and hereafter only be known as “Historian”. Any files needed for usage on a long-term basis by a specific board position shall be sent to that board positions’ specific email address.
- The incoming Board of Directors will appoint the standing Committee Chairs at the June board meeting or as soon as possible thereafter.
- The Board of Directors has the authority to ask for the resignation of any committee chair, co-chair, or board officer who fails to fulfill her duties and to fill the position with a qualified member appointed by the board.
- A vacancy in an office shall be filled by election from the membership, unless otherwise stated in the by-laws.
- If an officer misses three consecutive monthly meetings without explanation, this will be considered resignation from the board.
- Procedures for vacant committee chair or co-chair positions during the year are as follows:
- If a position becomes vacant during the year, the executive board contacts the names on the committee list to see if anyone is interested in assuming the role.
- If there is an interested member, the executive board ONLY will vote at the next bi-monthly meeting or via email.
- If no one wants to chair this committee, the Vice-President will announce the position in the newsletter for one month.
- If a position becomes vacant during the year, the executive board contacts the names on the committee list to see if anyone is interested in assuming the role.
- If a member survey is utilized, board members may use HAMOM member survey information to obtain committee volunteers and receive input for potential events.
- The service year for the Board of Directors will run from June until May of the following year. Elections and installation will be held no later than the May meeting, with incoming officers assuming their duties by June 1st of each year.
- The offices of Publications, National Representative, Hospitality, Membership, Secretary, Historian, and Outreach may serve consecutive years.
- The offices of President, Vice-President, and Treasurer may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms unless they meet the qualifications of paragraph 4.
- President, Vice-President, and Treasurer may only serve more than two (2) consecutive terms for the same office if no other qualified member wished to serve in that office. In the event a President, Vice-President, or Treasurer is needed to serve a third consecutive term, a special election will be held the month prior to the general elections to approve the addition of the designated party to the general election slate for the third consecutive term. The vote must obtain the approval of a quorum of HAMOM members in attendance at the monthly meeting designated for the election. In no event shall the President, Vice-President, or Treasurer serve more than three (3) consecutive terms.
- In the event that no one volunteers to chair a committee, the outgoing Chair may serve another year.
- The service year for Committee Chairs is June to May.
Any outgoing president who is opting not to submit their name for consideration as a nominee for a Board position for the upcoming year will serve as an advisor to the Board of Directors for one (1) year.
- Official representative of the organization
- Supervises all club activities
- Makes financial recommendations for the club
- Audits club checking account on a quarterly basis
- Conducts business position of monthly meetings
- Calls and conducts board meetings
- Locates and secures meeting facilities; serves as liaison between HAMOM and facility representative
- Responsible for coordinating setup and securing facility after meetings and other club events
- Works closely with the Board in planning monthly meeting and other activities
- Writes monthly column for newsletter describing previous meeting and upcoming events
- Coordinates with Membership officer to ensure all officer and committees have current membership status list
- Serves as an ex-officio member of all committees (except the nominating committee)
- Maintains club email address associated with position, and responds to all emails; cleans out inbox before leaving position at end of term;
- Must have served at least one year on the Board of Directors of this organization prior to assuming the office of President
- Official representative of the organization
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Plans speakers and programs for monthly meetings or designates duties as agreed to by the Board
- Serves as cub liaison for guest speakers and introduces speakers to the club (this includes both written in newsletters and totally at meetings)
- Coordinates monthly playdates or designates duties as agreed to by the Board
- Coordinates with the Hospitality officer to locate and reserve site for the annual picnic and the new MOMs social (specific time, time of year, and type of social activity to be decided by the Board every year)
- Co-chairs annual MOMsMart committee
- Serves as ex-officio member of all committees (except the nominating committee)
- Maintains club email address associated with position, and responds to all emails; cleans out inbox before leaving position at end of term; informs President of current password and any password changes
- Assumes the office of president in the event of resignation or inability of the President to complete her term
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Maintains list of members attending sister membership meetings and submit list to President
- Ensures all requests for expenditures by the sister membership group are approved by the President and Treasurer prior to purchase
- Coordinates meetings and playdates for the HAMOM members living in the sister membership area
- Conducts informal meetings for HAMOM members living in the sister membership area
- Serves as liaison between HAMOM and sister membership regarding meeting facilities
- Initiates notification by phone or email regarding meetings and playdates
- Updates list of potentials and provides copies at HAMOM-sister membership meetings
- Maintains attendance roster at HAMOM-sister membership meetings
- Coordinates refreshments for monthly meetings
- Sends information and/or membership packets to potentials and new members
- Maintains current contents of membership packets
- Coordinates with local members to provide phone support or other support for pregnant MOMs on bed-rest and for new mothers of multiples
- Coordinates with local members to periodically distribute HAMOM flyers to pediatric and obstetrics offices
- Serves as liaison between HAMOM chapter and its sister membership area members
- Submits monthly newsletter articles about meetings, playdates, prayer requests/concerns, potential and new membership to Membership and Publications
- Attends executive officer meetings and HAMOM business meetings
- Other duties as designated by the Board
- If there is not a membership need for a sister club, the 2nd Vice-President may still be utilized by the Board as an additional position if necessary
- Maintains list of members attending sister membership meetings and submit list to President
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Takes minutes at regular monthly meetings and creates report for monthly newsletter
- Takes minutes at the Board of Directors meetings, creates report, sends out to the Board within 10 days of the meeting
- Writes “thank you” notes to speakers and coordinates purchase of “thank you” gift or gift certificate to be presented to speakers
- Coordinates with the President to pick up mail from the PO box and distributes information, or designates duty as agreed to by the Board
- Handles club correspondence or designates duties as agreed to by the Board
- Maintains the ballet templates to be provided to the Nominating Committee
- Maintains club email address associated with position, and responds to all emails; cleans out inbox before leaving position at end of term; informs President of current password and any password changes
- Other duties as designated by the Board
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Collects dues
- Writes checks for monthly annual expenses
- Makes deposits and maintains bank account balance
- Creates spreadsheet of balances and expenses and reports to the President and Board of Directors on quarterly basis or as requested
- Makes financial recommendations for the club to the President and Board at large
- Coordinates payment of dues to Multiples of America with the National Representative, and coordinates letter of non-profit status with the Secretary
- If applicable, files IRS Form 990 by December 15th or designated paperwork by March 31st
- Maintains financial records for history and record keeping, coordinating with the Secretary and/or Historian as applicable
- Maintains letter of non-profit status
- Maintains club email address associated with position, and responds to all emails; cleans out inbox before leaving position at end of term; informs President of current password and any password changes
- Other duties as designated by the Board
- Collects dues
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Maintains attendance roster at monthly meetings and special events
- Maintains list of paid members
- Coordinates with the Treasurer and President to maintain current membership list of entire organization
- Sends current membership listing via email to entire Board of Directors on a monthly basis
- Maintains membership packets and keeps contents current
- Sends membership packets to new and prospective members (via email is acceptable)
- Coordinates with the President, VP, and Publications on keeping list of potentials current and maintains cut-off dates, reviewing case by case
- Coordinates with Outreach, VP, and President meal donation and delivery to members and potentials in need, i.e. new MOMs, MOMs with determined needs
- Checks and responds to all email requests on a regular basis; shares and forwards as necessary and retains all information regarding membership on the organizational list
- Collects dues during monthly meetings if the Treasurer is unable to attend and temporary designation is agreed to by the Board
- Creates name tags for new members and the MOMsMart workers
- Maintains club email address associated with position, and responds to all emails; cleans out inbox before leaving position at end of term; informs President of current password and any password changes
- Other duties as designated by the Board
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Compiles submitted newsletter articles and information into the HAMOM monthly newsletter and distributes newsletter to members by email or postal service
- Updates website information, calendars, etc., or coordinates with designated member as web master for assistance
- Works with the President, VP, and designated committee in creating pamphlets or flyers regarding club and activities
- Creates business cards as needed
- Maintains club email address associated with position, and responds to all emails; cleans out inbox before leaving position at end of term; informs President of current password and any password changes
- Other duties as designated by the Board
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Coordinates publicity for HAMOM (i.e. writes news releases and submits articles to local newspapers for special events
- Contacts local churches, schools, physician offices, etc. to promote HAMOM
- Coordinates with groups/members in areas surrounding the Greater Huntsville Area with information pertaining to support and club events
- Attends Marvelous Multiples class and arranges for other HAMOM members to attend. This chair will represent HAMOM and provide the class with information about HAMOM and any information on multiples in general
- Distributes and/or coordinates the distribution of HAMOM pamphlets, flyers, and any other information to NICU, fertility, obstetrics, and pediatric offices
- Works with the President, VP, and Treasurer on fundraising or charitable projects
- Maintains club email address associated with position, and responds to all emails; cleans out inbox before leaving position at end of term; informs President of current password and any password changes
- Other duties as designated by the Board
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Maintains regular and timely communication with Multiples of America to keep the local club informed of the National activities
- Keeps National informed of local club’s activities as necessary and maintain National Representative Notebook
- Coordinates with the Treasurer in order to send list of paid members and national dues to Multiples of America
- Provides information for monthly newsletter publication
- Provides printed information pertaining to monthly scheduled meetings, as needed
- Provides club vote for the National Convention (may be mailed in)
- Maintains club email address associated with position, and responds to all emails; cleans out inbox before leaving position at end of term; informs President of current password and any password changes
- Other duties as designated by the Board
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Coordinates refreshments for monthly meetings
- Selects a theme, arranges for food, beverages, and paper products for each monthly meeting. Arrives at meetings early to prepare.
- Greets and welcomes new, expecting, and potential members at monthly meetings and club events
- Works with Membership and Outreach chairs in coordinating meal support for MOMs in need (i.s births, illnesses, or deaths)
- Assists the Committee Chairs as needed for:
- Family Picnic
- Cookies with Santa
- New MOMs Social (committee consists of Board officers)
- Any other membership social
- Family Picnic
- Maintains club email address associated with position, and responds to all emails; cleans out inbox before leaving position at end of term; informs President of current password and any password changes
- Other duties as designated by the Board
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- Takes pictures at all events for club PR and marketing use
- Creates and upkeeps HAMOM Member Reference Guide. Specific name of document may be decided and changed outside the by-laws.
- Maintains historical information on club events, ie. social, community/charitable involvement, family events
- Maintains club email address associated with position, and responds to all emails; cleans out inbox before leaving position at end of term; informs President of current password and any password changes
- Other duties as designated by the Board
- Coordinates monthly meetings as needed
- MOMsMart
- The current year’s Vice-President will serve as Chair of MOMsMart for the Fall and Spring sales within the Board term year.
- The Vice-President will appoint a minimum of one (1) MOMsMart Co-Chair within 120 days of the next MOMsMart sale or sooner. In order to be adequately knowledgeable, all Co-Chairs will be involved in all aspects of the sale.
- An outgoing Vice-President may not rotate from the Vice-President office consecutively to a MOMsMart co-chair position and then consecutively back to Vice-President.
- A MOMsMart committee may be solicited and appointed as early as possible.
- In order to maintain breadth of knowledge across spheres for MOMsMart, all Board members are de facto MOMsMart committee members and as such will be kept abreast of committee business.
- MOMsMart committee is effective for one year. Committee members will serve from May to May of the following year, and will plan the Fall and following Spring MOMsMart sales.
- Committee members must have served as a worker for at least one MOMsMart sale prior to being on the MOMsMart committee.
- All committee members are required to attend at least one MOMsMart committee planning meeting.
- All committee members must work a minimum of 3 shifts during the sale.
- As an evolving sale that changes rapidly to meet the needs of HAMOM and the MOMsMart customer, specific MOMsMart worker requirements not listed here will be determined by the MOMsMart chair and co-chair and held in the same force and effect as if they were listed in full text.
- Each committee member must be responsible for and complete at least one assigned task.
- Each committee member must be current in their membership.
- The President will sit on this committee, ex-officio, as like all other committees.
- The current year’s Vice-President will serve as Chair of MOMsMart for the Fall and Spring sales within the Board term year.
- Annual Election Nominating Committee